March 13, 2020

CT's Dem and GOP Party Leaders Work Together to Address Interruptions in Election Schedule Caused by COVID Closings and Restrictions

For Immediate Release
March 13, 2020

Contact: Patty McQueen  

CT’s Democratic and Republican Party Leaders Work Together to Address Interruptions in Election Schedule Caused By COVID Closings and Restrictions

(Hartford, CT) – With COVID-19 bringing increased restrictions on public gatherings and activities, the Connecticut Democrats are working with state election officials and Republican counterparts to determine how to conduct party business and voting as election deadlines loom in the coming weeks.

Democratic State Chair Nancy Wyman and Republican State Chair J.R. Romano said they hope to meet with the Secretary of the State in the coming days to identify solutions.  

“These are extraordinary times that will require working together to find solutions,” Wyman said. “Elections are the most important activity in our democracy and we will take every step necessary to make sure that the process moves forward fairly, while protecting the health and safety of voters.”

Romano added, “Chairman Wyman and I have spoken and we believe working together in order to protect the health of our communities takes priority over political disagreements. The election process is one of the most important civic duties and I appreciate both Chairman Wyman and Secretary of the State Merrill’s commitment to work together in a time of crisis to solve this problem.”

Of immediate concern is delegate selection for the national and local conventions and the setting of dates for the Connecticut Democratic state convention, business that was to be completed at local town committee meetings this month.

Governor Lamont has prohibited gatherings of more than 250 people, and could reduce that threshold. At the same time, Democratic state party rules require in-person voting by town committees and do not allow for voting by phone, email, text or videoconference.  

“We understand these are stressful times,” Wyman said. “We will keep local party officials updated with plans.”

With COVID-19 bringing increased restrictions on public gatherings and activities, the Connecticut Democrats are working with state election officials and Republican counterparts to determine how to conduct party business and voting as election deadlines loom in the coming weeks.

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